A nationwide, randomised controlled trial that will determine if the use of an overnight, in-laboratory sleep study can increase NIV usage in people with MND.
Chief Investigator (A)
Trial Manager
Implementation Scientist and Chief Investigator (E)
Chief Investigator (C) and Site Principal Investigator (Austin Health)
Chief Investigator (B)
Chief Investigator (D)
Chief Investigator (F) and Biostatistician
Chief Investigator (G)
Chief Investigator (I)
Associate Investigator
Associate Investigator
Associate Investigator (Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital)
Principal Investigator (The Prince Charles Hospital)
Associate Investigator
Health Service Evaluation Researcher
Principal Investigator (Flinders Medical Centre)
Associate Investigtor - Implementation Science
Prinicipal Investigator (Westmead)